O, hi, I did not c u there.
KayoszX here (Kay Oh Zex, please stop asking how it's pronounced LOL) with some EXCITING new newsz!!!1!
I never really go on newgrounds anymore except to upload my new releases, but I feel obligated to inform anyone who stumbles upon this page that I'm FINALLY releasing my first EP on the 25th of August.
It will have 8 songs, cover art, and a short thank-you note from me. Also, it's free. YA, FREE.
Not too long afterwards, I'll be releasing my second EP - ALSO FREE (well, maybe) as electric warfare's songs'll all be from 2011. It'll be the "New Beginning EP" and'll have 5 songs n some cover art.
You can find pretty much all of these songs on here already, and for free download, but hey, WHERE THE FUCK'S THE COVER ART?
Anyways, just thought I'd let you all know.
you probably wont see much of me on here anymore so, like, follow and subscribe to my other sheeit yaoh
and my email for any inquires: KayoszX@hotmail.ca
Well, ciao!
Eddie G. aka ..well.. KayoszX